This is a question that many of us have asked ourselves at some point when planning a trip or already being at the destination, "Should I know the history of this place?" Here we tell you our opinion.
In our opinion, the answer is yes, for the simple reason that, in this way, it will be easier for you to explain many of its uses and customs, its art, and even its gastronomy. Also, as my dad always says "knowledge doesn't take up space", a suitcase full of souvenirs that we don't even understand DOES.
Another reason is that "traveling opens your mind", and what better way to open your mind than by learning new things? Once one understands that there are more cultures than one's own, and knows about those cultures, one judges less and enjoys more the diversity that exists on our planet Earth.
And, of course, it gives you new topics of conversation to make your talks more interesting and even fun, without disrespect, since there are very unique customs that can differ greatly from our own, so much so that it is difficult for us to understand the reason for these customs, but these customs have their stories, very interesting in fact, thanks to which we can come to understand the why and thus, ourselves, we can expand the knowledge of our friends.
If one of your reasons is the price, there are many varieties of tours, there are even free tours! Or you can use the typical web pages to learn for free. Many of the things that I learned about cities before traveling I did in magazines or guides that I rented in libraries.
If your reason is that you don't really like history or hate being on a three hour tour, we know the names of a couple of guide agencies that would change your mind in a heartbeat. You should know that there are many types of guides and it is okay if you do not like the conventional guide, you have to find the most suitable one for you.
In conclusion, yes, learning the history of a place is good, enriching, can be entertaining and FREE!